Greek freighter hit by mine, grounded to avoid sinking, Black sea

Greek freighter hit by mine, grounded to avoid sinking, Black sea - News2Sea

General cargo ship VYSSOS Russian sea mine exploded under or near the stern of Greek general cargo ship VYSSOS off Bystre Mouth of Danube Delta at around 0545 UTC Dec 27, while proceeding to Danube Izmail port, Ukraine, for a cargo of grain, The blast was so tremendous that the ship’s stern was lifted off water, the ship suffered blackout with all machinery going off. According to crew, the ship didn’t sink thanks to quick and the only one correct Captain’s respond, who was on the bridge – he steered badly damaged ship to nearby breakwater or mole, and grounded her. Ships AIS went off at around 1400 UTC Dec 27. It was a sheer luck and good fortune of the 18 crew, that nobody was killed. Ship’s cook fell, his head was badly injured, he had to be taken to hospital, the rest of the crew are well, considering. Crew includes 3 Ukrainians, 2 Turks and 13 Egyptians.

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