Luxury yacht breached, water ingress, fore tilt

Luxury yacht breached, water ingress, fore tilt - News2Sea

Luxury yacht ION FEDRA ran aground or touched bottom in Gulf of Ornos, Mykonos island, Greece, in the afternoon Jul 26. Yacht’s hull in fore part was breached, she started taking on water and developed fore tilt. She was secured somehow, either berthed or by other means, with water ingress taken under control. Accident reportedly was caused by crew mishandling. Yacht AIS is either off or she’s registered under other name. Yacht LONE WOLF was mentioned, but judging from photos and video, it’s not the distressed yacht ION FEDRA.
Luxury yacht ION FEDRA, GT 214, length 33 meters, built 1999, flag UK, 10guests/5 crew, owner G. Kampanis.

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