Hapag-Lloyd’s container ship crew medevaced with chemical burn off Shanghai | TAYMA EXPRESS

Hapag-Lloyd’s container ship crew medevaced with chemical burn off Shanghai | TAYMA EXPRESS - News2Sea

Container ship TAYMA EXPRESS early in the morning Sep 23 requested medical assistance to a crew member who suffered chemical burn, and whose condition was deteriorating. The according to official report, was under way, some 70 nm SE of Shanghai. SAR vessel DONG HAI JIU 321 was sent, injured crew member was safely disembarked onto SAR vessel, and later transferred to hospital.
According to track, TAYMA EXPRESS on Sep 22 arrived at Yangshan Port anchorage on Sep 22 from Qingdao, in the evening same day she left anchorage and sailed towards Yangtze estuary, where she was met by DONG HAI JIU 321 early Sep 23. After disembarking injured crew, TAYMA EXPRESS returned to Yangshan Anchorage, on Sep 24 berthed and on Sep 25 left Yangshan, bound for Kaohsiung Taiwan.
What happened exactly is unknown. Was it container leak, or some ship’s store chemical leak, or in process of routine daily activities?

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