ZODIAC’s tanker hijacked in Red sea or Gulf of Aden?

ZODIAC’s tanker hijacked in Red sea or Gulf of Aden? - News2Sea

Product tanker CENTRAL PARK was reportedly seized by unidentified militants off Aden, Yemen, Gulf of Aden, private intelligence firm Ambrey said on Nov 26. Tanker last AIS is dated Nov 22, northern Red sea, after Suez and Gulf of Suez transit. Tanker was en route from Gibraltar, status “Waiting for Orders”. Tanker is linked to Israeli (Eyal Ofer’s Zodiac Group) interests, but what group is behind hijack, if it’s hijack, is not clear. If it’s Houthis, hijack could take place in Red sea, but has become known or recognized later, when tanker was in Gulf of Aden.

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