2 Russian crew died on board of hopper dredger in Bulgarian waters

2 Russian crew died on board of hopper dredger in Bulgarian waters - News2Sea

2 russian crew died on board of hopper dredger in bulgarian waters

Two Russian seamen, 32 and 58 year old, died in cargo section of hopper dredger MILFORD in the evening Jul 3, when the ship was abeam of Varna Bulgaria, en route from Burgas to Constanta. MILFORD stopped and started to drift at around 2030 LT, probably anchored for a short time, then headed for Varna. She was berthed in Varna at around 0030 LT Jul 4. Cause of seamen death yet unknown, investigation under way, dredger to remain at port until completion of investigation. MILFORD 14 crew are all of Russian nationality.

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#Russian #crew #died #board #hopper #dredger #Bulgarian #waters

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