AMSA Bans Heavylift Vessel ‘BBC Pearl’ for 180 Days Due to Safety Deficiencies

AMSA Bans Heavylift Vessel ‘BBC Pearl’ for 180 Days Due to Safety Deficiencies - News2Sea

amsa bans heavylift vessel ‘bbc pearl’ for 180 days due to safety deficiencies

The Australian Maritime Safety Agency (AMSA) has imposed a 180-day ban on a vessel owned by Briese Heavylift GmbH & Co., prohibiting it from entering Australian waters. The ban was enforced due to “Serious deficiencies” found on the Heavylift vessel known as “BBC PEARL.”

The AMSA imposed the ban after discovering multiple failures in the vessel’s safety management system, a faulty emergency generator, and defective fire dampers. According to the AMSA, these issues are considered severe offenses, as the vessel would be rendered helpless in the water in the event of a main power supply failure due to the defective emergency generator.

The vessel has been detained in Cairns for four days before being directed to Port Headland, the location where the ban was issued.

Michael Drake, the AMSA’s Executive Director of Operations, expressed that the BBC Pearl has a history of poor performance and has received multiple warnings. The agency has now resorted to strict enforcement actions for future violations.

This incident marks the second time within a month that a vessel owned by Briese Heavylift GmbH & Co. has been subjected to a ban by the AMSA. The earlier vessel, named “BBC Weser,” received a 90-day ban on June 12th.

The opinions expressed herein are the author’s and not necessarily those of News2Sea.
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