228 irregular immigrants were caught off the coast of Izmir

228 irregular immigrants were caught off the coast of Izmir - News2Sea

228 irregular immigrants were caught off the coast of izmir

228 irregular immigrants were caught trying to go abroad illegally off the coast of Izmir.

According to the statement on the website of the Coast Guard Command, the Coast Guard teams, which were directed to the region upon information that there were irregular immigrants in rubber boats off the coast of Selçuk district, caught a total of 78 irregular immigrants.

A total of 150 irregular immigrants in boats off the coast of Çeşme, Dikili and Seferihisar districts were caught by the Coast Guard teams and brought ashore.

On the other hand, 38 irregular immigrants on a rubber boat that was pushed back into Turkish territorial waters by Greek elements off the coast of Seferihisar district were rescued.

Irregular immigrants were handed over to the Provincial Directorate of Immigration Management after their procedures.

The opinions expressed herein are the author’s and not necessarily those of News2Sea.
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