34th International Marmaris Race Week

34th International Marmaris Race Week - News2Sea

34th international marmaris race week

On the second day of the 34th International Marmaris Race Week held in Marmaris district of Muğla, two races were held inside the bay and one race outside the bay.

In addition to Turkey, Spain, France, Russia, Latvia, Germany, Ukraine, England, Canada, Sweden, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, USA, Belarus, Moldova participated in the races held in Marmaris Bay and the open sea organized by Marmaris International Yacht Club (MIYC). and 110 sailing yachts and 1000 athletes from Estonia are participating.

On the second day of the race, the yachts left Netsel Marina in order, sailed to the gulf and the open sea according to their fleets, and took training laps while waiting for the appropriate wind.

“Setur Marinas Day”

On “Setur Marinas Day”, yachts from the IRCCHR group competed in the gulf and the IRC group competed in the open sea. Sailors tried to get their yachts to the finish point by going around the pre-placed buoys on the route determined by the referee committee.

In the IRCCHR group, two races were planned inside the bay, and in the IRC group, one race was held outside the bay.

The cups were presented to the athletes who were successful in the races where sailing yachts competed in two separate groups and 9 classes, in the event area established at Netsel Marina.

The 34th International Marmaris Race Week will end with the “5th Race Day” on Friday, November 3.

The yachts and their captains that came first in their classes in the races held on the second day of the organization are as follows:

Setur Marinas Day Races

IRC1: Lagertha/Sergei Musikhin

IRC2: Mersin Sailing Academy/İlya Shrokov

IRC3: Team Linea Rossa/Sergey Chevtsov

IRC4: Agile/Alexei Ferederi

IRC5: İzmir Yelken/Yulia Skachkova

IRCCHR1: Aldebaran/Egor İgnatenko

IRCCHR2: Rama/Andrei Morozov

IRCCHR3: Capella 2/Dmitry Komarov

IRCCHR4: Babe/Pavel Kucherkov

The opinions expressed herein are the author’s and not necessarily those of News2Sea.
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