Rize Maritime Museum opened to visitors

The opening of the Rize Maritime Museum, which was implemented by Rize Municipality, was held with a ceremony.

Deputy Governor Murat Öztürk, at the opening of the museum created within the Boğaz District Lighthouse Social Facilities, said that such places add value to the Black Sea and Rize.

Mayor Rahmi Metin also stated that a good work was done on behalf of maritime.

Stating that Rize Maritime Museum is a place where very valuable works are housed to initiate the museum culture in the city, Metin made the following evaluation:

“We are a city with a maritime culture. We will exhibit the museum of different professional groups in the sense of a city museum, that is, a topography museum, in the National Garden in Rize. Since it addresses a more specific area, it will be one of the very few museums in Turkey.”


Metin emphasized that museums create a bridge between the past and the future and said, “Maritime has both diversified our culture and enriched our trade.” said.

After the speeches, Öztürk and Metin opened the museum.

In the museum, where traditional boats are located, fish species from the Black Sea and materials used in maritime are exhibited.

At the entrance of the museum, where boat construction is explained and models and boats are displayed, old photographs of Rize also welcome visitors.

The opinions expressed herein are the author’s and not necessarily those of News2Sea.
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